Tag Archives: Faith

#11737855 #EvolutionRevolutionLiberationSpiritualWarfareChristConsciousnessServicePowerOfSynchroncityGodLoveFaith Monday, February 2, 2015

#11 #737 ‪#‎Evolution‬ ‪#‎Revolution‬ ‪#‎Liberation‬ ‪#‎SpiritualWarfare #855 ‪#‎ChristConsciousness‬ ‪#‎Service‬ ‪#‎PowerOfSynchronicity #‪GodLoveFaith


9:50pm est Just got back from an NA meeting, something I have not been doing regularly since 2013, it was forced down my throat back then, but it was also to prepare me for today. Anyway, today topic was about not being self-centered and services to others. At first I thought I have nothing to share, but half way through the meeting I realized something happened earlier this evening that matched the topic completely, and through God’s funny sense of humor yet again, I was the last person that got to share. I just knew it, and I just said “God, if you really want me to share then make it so at the last minute.” When 8:50pm came, the host said we ran out of time, but if anyone that hasn’t share but has something really short to share, please raise your hand, and I was the only one LOL.

Anyway, I shared (the meeting shared version was shorter than this only lasted a couple minutes) that I was feeling restless this evening at around 5pm, so I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood, something I don’t do much. I was having my earbuds in my ears and was just going to do a quick walk, then I walked into this guy around the corner struggling to fix his long ladder that is not even leaning onto a sturdy branch, it was leaning against the branch he was cutting…OMG. He waved, I waved. I was about to just walk by him, but then I realized, oh, this is why God wanted me to go for a walk, to help this guy out, because he was obviously struggling, with a motorized saw stuck high above in the tall branch. So I took off my earbuds, I asked him do you need help? He told me he’s fine, and I said do you have anyone helping you? He said no. So I told him, let me help you. I helped him moved the long ladder to a sturdier branch, told him I would hold the ladder while he go up there and use the manual cutter to cut down the branch. Success. Then I told him let’s finish it with the other branch, success. Found out his name is Bill, and he has met my father before. Side Mission Accomplished.

Also, the other interesting thing about this meeting is that one, I was going because it is required by Drug Court that I go to one outside meeting a week. I looked it up online this afternoon, found this one named High Hopes, and I liked the sound of it so I chose this one. When I got there, I saw the church sign “Evolution. Revolution”, the very word of my 5th Dimension Newsfeed since 2012; and then realized this is the place I came to with Justin Timothy Anglin back in 2014 (his car wouldn’t start that night, I remember). Then I lost my group meeting sign in sheet for Drug Court, it just disappeared. I got the message that going to these meetings is not about me, it is to do work for God’s Children. I feel I must go back to that church tomorrow morning at 11am.

Note: Copy and Paste from https://www.facebook.com/NattApibal/posts/10152716823628226

©IAMDIVINITI.com A Star.Child Diamond.Child Golden.Child Divine Paradigm Initiative.
©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal’s Open Journal Blog [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

[Vibration-Energy-Transcension-Healing Case Study] Jatzen: Laziness does not exist, only a lack of passion. Reclaiming energy and personal power. Friday, December 5, 2014

Today I participated in another life-journey guided-discussion and energy healing for Jatzen, this would be our third session together.

The theme of the previous sessions that came up during the energy healing session was to reclaim her sexual energy and be assertive. We have seen a working result since those two sessions. She has become more assertive in voicing her feelings, what she wants, what she doesn’t want. She is also more intuned with what she truly wants for herself from relationships and beyond. While she is still on the journey of self-image healing, it does seem that she is able to protect and value her sexual energy better than before.
[Energy][Energy Healing] Crystal Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing session with Jatzen. Comet vision and the number 445. Thursday, July 24, 2014
Life coaching and energy healing session with Jatzen, part 2. Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This session revolves around feeling broken, lost, stuck, about the deeper issue of the heart and emotions from the past, and the current feeling of stalemate. Feeling a lack of direction and passion. She is still looking for a fix from the outside, instead of clearing her stalemate from within, but from listening to her it is cleared that she is already aware of that, only resisting the change out of fear. Stemming from not enough faith and trust in God’s love.

A lot of repressed anger and pain emotional energy in the solar plexus chakra, resulting in depression and perceived laziness. Laziness is merely a lack of passion, which stemmed from the staled emotional energy being repressed within. Again, going back to resisting change, resisting accepting her own personal power.

For the energy session itself, when I placed my hand on top of her torso, I felt a strong energy rose up to my head which made me feel slight dizziness; this seem to happen during my session with her before. I felt headache, toward the left of my temple, to me this mean she is overanalyzing, I noticed she had fallen asleep, which also mean she is dreaming (her subconciousness is at work). To note, she fell asleep within two minutes after I placed my hand on her, notifying me her subconciousness has work to do and to put together our discussion prior to the energy healing session, and possibly downloading new energy-programs. I then moved to her head and started intentional-energy-healing and mental-insertion-healing, I was infusing her with love, faith, personal power and freedom. Then I moved to her feet and repeat the process. I started feeling her emotional energy in her solar plexus moving and stuck within me, it needs to be release; the emotions I received is pain and anger, but I’d already felt that from her during our discussion. I repeated the intentional-energy-healing and mental-insertion-healing, this time focusing on guiding love and faith energy into her solar plexus to allow her to begin the healing process, for her to feel them, process them and let it go; to release the energy. This is the first time I actually use my hand to guide the energy out from her solar plexus, while also using the other hand to do the same thing to my solar plexus, since I was mirroring her energy. After awhile I started to feel the energy dissipated from within my solar plexus and lower heart area. I sealed her with love and protection energy at the end.

Her report: She felt sexual at first, then anxiety and fear. She said she saw two beams of light coming down, with energy light moving down, into a circle and moved back out. I told her this sounds like what I was doing to her while I was healing her solar plexus to help remove her repressed emotional energy, it matched what I was visualizing. She said then it turned into a Cobra, in a coiled position looking at her. She then see the cobra on top of a stair, the color of the cobra is yellow to her. After that she saw a heart shape rising up, then turned into a circle. She reported it being fuchsia color to her, but she kept hearing purple. She said toward the end she felt like she was floating, and her body was being rolled. She said she tried to hold onto the table, which I told her to not do that next time, to stop resisting, this is something she did last time as well. I told her when it happens again next time, she must let go and go with what’s happening. The spirit(energy) wants to show her how to have faith and trust, to let go and surrender, to have faith in the divine plan. I told her she is resisting change (back to the original theme of this session), and she was able to answered when I asked her,

Natt: And what is resisting change?
Jatzen: uhhh, I’m resisting my personal power.
Natt: Thank you! You are resisting your own personal power.

To summarize: The cobra symbolized change, transformation, and “Snake energy is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance.” Yellow is the color of the solar plexus, and it has to do with personal power. The circle is an energy of completion, of cosmic consciousness, God; while the purple color is the color of purpose, and associated with the crown chakra. To me, she was receiving the healing energy, guides, and the energy-programming she needs for her journey to reclaim her energy, personal power, and passion.

TXT from Jatzen three hours after session @3:43pm est: I feel happy n peaceful

Jatzen Facebook Post 4:11pm est: Thank you Nattawat Apibal for great talk session n energy healing session.. Your gaze and comforting smile is forever part of me, on a journey to find my passion, like you said i am, so I can be truly happy 🙂
Natt: Aw, so sweet and beautiful. Thank you. Love you 🙂
Jatzen: Muah 🙂 you are my light 🙂
Natt: As you are mine 🙂

Credits: http://www.linsdomain.com/totems/pages/snake.htm

©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

[Free Writing][Video Blog] We are the Evolution. This is our Revolution. We are the Liberation. Friday, December 5, 2014

Activation Code: 1212
Star Child. Golden Child. Diamond Child.

We are the Evolution.
We are the Revolution.
We are the Liberation.

It is not about the light and the dark.
It is not about judgment.
It is not about separations.

Be free of duality.
Be free of ego self.

For we are brothers and sisters,
With our own identity,
With our own journeys, stories, and purpose.

This is about Divine Love.
This is about Pure Faith.
This is about Harmonious Giving.
This is about True Justice.
This is about Complete Unitary Respect.

This is our Evolution.
This is our Revolution.
This is our Liberation.

-Nattawat Apibal [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

©IAMDIVINITI.com A Star.Child Diamond.Child Golden.Child Divine Paradigm Initiative.
©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

[5th Dimension Newsfeed][New Moon] Star Child, 5 years remaining. Tuesday, September 23, 2014

#AG344 #5thDimensionNewsfeed #StarChild #LibraNewMoon #HarshRevelationStoryArc
Star Child, 5 years left remaining.
Be prepared.
You’ll see.
You have done it before, you could do it again.
Have faith. 
Keep progressing.

-Nattawat Apibal [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

Original Posting: https://www.facebook.com/NattApibal/posts/10152432371198226

Update: [Video Blog] “What if God is asking us for a sign?” For the warriors: What side do you choose? Friday, November 28, 2014

©IAMDIVINITI.com A Star.Child Diamond.Child Golden.Child Divine Paradigm Initiative.
©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal’s Open Journal Blog [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

I knew inside my heart and soul that I was not going crazy, and I asked God for strength and faith to get me through these confusing times. Sunday, July 27, 2014

Justin went to church today, it is nice to see he is applying something from our energy healing session on Friday, [Energy][Energy Healing] Crystal Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing session with Justin. Time for ascension, time for transcension. Friday, July 25, 2014. I talked to him about turning over to God, how that’s the start of being awaken to the new reality. I talked about the journey he has been in my life, so many crazy things we went through together and how much I appreciated him . We talked about the time when he used to constantly put me down regarding my faith, when I would talk about God or share my awakening experience with him. How I always knew he was going to be a part of my life from the moment I met him. I foreseen it, as he said. About how it’s just so amazing to live within God’s reality and love, I don’t need anything else. He said yeah, it feels really good, it’s been amazing. He help recharged my energy.

At one point he said to me, you have been reading the (Christian) bible, you seem to know a lot about it. I told him, I didn’t think it was possible, especially when I hear it happens to other people, until it happened to me. God.The Universe.The Source has been using the bible to speak to me, so much information is put inside my head without me reading it, it’s like it got downloaded into my brain. I told him other religions and knowledge has also been used, but the bible is very prominent these past two years. I asked him if he remembered that one night in August 2012, when I first saw a strange bright star in the sky that was blinking red/blue/green very fast like a strobe light. He said yes, I asked him, remember what I said that night after starring at it for awhile? I said, it felt like the divine blueprint was being downloaded into me. I didn’t think much of why I felt that back then, or why I said it and posted it to facebook that night, but now it is starting to make sense. During 2012, some people, including Matthew and Pat B. (It hurts but I had to let it go), were making fun of me because they think I was going crazy when I was talking about all of the strange new metaphysical and spiritual experiences that I did not understand. But I knew inside my heart and soul that I was not going crazy, and I asked God for strength and faith to get me through these confusing times.

©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

[5th Dimension Newsfeed] AWARE.AWAKE.ALIVE ActivationCode: 24252345 Monday, July 1, 2013

Star Child, Diamond Child, Golden Child;
You are God’s chosen Beings,
Accept your Responsibilities to the Universe.
Wake Up.Rise Up.Purified Yourself.

Learn to defend yourself,
Divine Love.Faith.Courage,
Are your true Weapon and Defense.

Divine Truth, Divine Peace;
Your Shining Stars,
Be of the Light.

Do not be afraid, Let go of Fear;
The Light shall guide and protect you.
Talk to the One.Cosmic.Unity Consciousness,
Ask for guidance.strength.protection.Love,
They are patiently waiting for you,
They are listening.

Keep your eyes to the Trees and the Sky,
Your ears to the Animals and the Wind,
Your heart to the Ocean,
Ground your intuition with Mother Earth.

Death is the road to Awe;
Heal your wounds,
Through Confusion.Pain.Suffering,
Revealed Freedom and Serenity.
Gain new strength,
Become the warrior that you are.

Be open to the Truth,
Let go of Denial.Delusion and face your Responsibility,
Accept your Revelation.
Be Free from bondage,
Liberate your Self from yourself.

Be the Light,
Shine your light upon the Darkness.Shadow,
Illuminate with Brilliance.

Surrender your mind.body.spirit,
Surrender to Time and Space,
Surrender your love,
Surrender your heart to God.

Vibrate to your Higher Self,
Your True Self.
Become AWARE of what God made you to be;
Become AWAKE and remember who you truly are;
Become truly ALIVE to who GOD made you to BE.

Cancer New Moon, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Moved video from vimeo to youtube and added activation code.

©IAMDIVINITI.com A Star.Child Diamond.Child Golden.Child Divine Paradigm Initiative.
©natt9450.com Nattawat Apibal’s Open Journal Blog [Nathaniel Artemis Shepherd][NattyICE][Natt9450]

[Awakening Story Arc][Full Moon] Transformation.Ascension. Sunday, September 30, 2012

Today is the power of 12, master vibration 11.

Transformation is complete.

Now is the time for me to come out of my cocoon and spread my wings, and learn to fly, to soar to new heights. All of my doors are now open to me, whatever door I choose from now on will determine the doors left remaining.

Dear God, thank you for giving the one man I love the chances and opportunities to rise with me, though remains in the dark he may be, please continue to guide him back to love and the light, please protect him. I love him very much, with all of my heart.

Ascension time has come.

Dear God, thank you for your continue guidance and protection. Thank you for all of the clarity, awareness, love, future insights, and providing me with every information I have ever requested. Although some time I cursed you because I get confused with fear, I know you have been preparing me for this moment. Thank you for allowing me to redeem myself and become your faithful warrior, I am your servant.
