Tag Archives: love

#11737855 #EvolutionRevolutionLiberationSpiritualWarfareChristConsciousnessServicePowerOfSynchroncityGodLoveFaith Monday, February 2, 2015

#11 #737 ‪#‎Evolution‬ ‪#‎Revolution‬ ‪#‎Liberation‬ ‪#‎SpiritualWarfare #855 ‪#‎ChristConsciousness‬ ‪#‎Service‬ ‪#‎PowerOfSynchronicity #‪GodLoveFaith


9:50pm est Just got back from an NA meeting, something I have not been doing regularly since 2013, it was forced down my throat back then, but it was also to prepare me for today. Anyway, today topic was about not being self-centered and services to others. At first I thought I have nothing to share, but half way through the meeting I realized something happened earlier this evening that matched the topic completely, and through God’s funny sense of humor yet again, I was the last person that got to share. I just knew it, and I just said “God, if you really want me to share then make it so at the last minute.” When 8:50pm came, the host said we ran out of time, but if anyone that hasn’t share but has something really short to share, please raise your hand, and I was the only one LOL.

Anyway, I shared (the meeting shared version was shorter than this only lasted a couple minutes) that I was feeling restless this evening at around 5pm, so I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood, something I don’t do much. I was having my earbuds in my ears and was just going to do a quick walk, then I walked into this guy around the corner struggling to fix his long ladder that is not even leaning onto a sturdy branch, it was leaning against the branch he was cutting…OMG. He waved, I waved. I was about to just walk by him, but then I realized, oh, this is why God wanted me to go for a walk, to help this guy out, because he was obviously struggling, with a motorized saw stuck high above in the tall branch. So I took off my earbuds, I asked him do you need help? He told me he’s fine, and I said do you have anyone helping you? He said no. So I told him, let me help you. I helped him moved the long ladder to a sturdier branch, told him I would hold the ladder while he go up there and use the manual cutter to cut down the branch. Success. Then I told him let’s finish it with the other branch, success. Found out his name is Bill, and he has met my father before. Side Mission Accomplished.

Also, the other interesting thing about this meeting is that one, I was going because it is required by Drug Court that I go to one outside meeting a week. I looked it up online this afternoon, found this one named High Hopes, and I liked the sound of it so I chose this one. When I got there, I saw the church sign “Evolution. Revolution”, the very word of my 5th Dimension Newsfeed since 2012; and then realized this is the place I came to with Justin Timothy Anglin back in 2014 (his car wouldn’t start that night, I remember). Then I lost my group meeting sign in sheet for Drug Court, it just disappeared. I got the message that going to these meetings is not about me, it is to do work for God’s Children. I feel I must go back to that church tomorrow morning at 11am.

Note: Copy and Paste from https://www.facebook.com/NattApibal/posts/10152716823628226

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